Advice for Men
Up your dating game and find meaningful connections with guidance from our team. Read our advice tailored just for men.
The dating world is constantly evolving. Being a gentleman today doesn’t mean the same as it did ten, twenty, or thirty years ago. The behaviors that used to be expected from a gentlemanly date have evolved. What defines a good man in modern relationships?
Have you ever walked away from an interaction wondering if a woman is sending you signals—or just being polite? Deciphering her intentions can feel like solving a puzzle, but it doesn’t have to be. Understanding the subtle differences between friendliness and romantic interest is key. Let’s break it down with real-life scenarios and clear signs [...]
Finding the right relationship can feel like navigating a maze, especially when you're looking to be with someone whose deeper values, aspirations, and lifestyle are compatible with your own. You’re setting out on an adventure to find your dream partner—someone who just gets you. But what are the qualities you should be looking for? This guide will walk you through how to identify and prioritize the qualities that matter most to you.
At the end of the day, the most effective dating profiles have one thing in common: authenticity. Whether you’re a man or a woman, the goal isn’t to impress—it’s to connect. Clear, approachable photos, a balance of personal details and mystery, and a tone that feels genuine will always stand out more than over-polished attempts to “perfect” your profile.
Gift-giving, especially in the early stages of a relationship, is more about showing that you’re paying attention and that you care, rather than getting everything exactly "perfect." The effort and consideration you put into a gift speaks volumes about how much you value your partner and the relationship.
Dating with intention is a powerful way to create meaningful and fulfilling romantic relationships. By being mindful of your actions, clear in your communication, and true to your values, you can transform your dating life and find a partner who truly complements your journey.
First dates are thrilling yet nerve-wracking experiences. You want to make a great impression, feel confident, and most importantly, be yourself. You're so much more than what you wear, but for better or worse, your first date outfit plays a big role in how you feel and how you're perceived. Not sure what to wear on a first date? Don't worry, we've got you covered with these tips.
A bid for connection is any action that aims to get a positive response from another person. This can include a simple smile, a question, a touch, or a request for help. The concept was popularized by Dr. John Gottman, a psychologist known for his work on marital stability and relationship analysis. Gottman
Healthy communication is the cornerstone of any thriving relationship. Whether you're talking about daily topics or dealing with sensitive matters, making a genuine effort to communicate well can be the difference between a relationship thriving or crumbling. Practicing healthy communication ensures that both partners feel appreciated, listened to, and supported. Learn how to improve your [...]
The spoken and unspoken rules of dating etiquette are complex and ever-changing. In the beginning stages of dating, setting healthy boundaries will help you establish trust and respect while you’re still getting to know each other.