Love in the days ahead

By Published On: February 20, 2024Categories: Happy Holds

The groundwork has been laid and now this match FEELS right. My Matchmaker, Cindy, never gave up on me and beautifully guided me toward this man. In numerous ways Cindy put herself in my position in order to fully understand my desires and hopes for a match. From my viewpoint, the timing and hard work invested for us has paid off. I realize there is a lot of work behind the scenes regarding matchmaking and I gratefully applaud Cindy’s diligence and expertise as a matchmaking professional. It is my opinion that my match and I are “hard nuts to crack”, however, Cindy decoded us and then had the patience to gently keep working for us. She took the time to do all this. For this and much more, I look forward to companionship and love in the days ahead…with much gratitude to Cindy.